My math notes

For meticulous documentation of the results is almost as important to me as the proofs of results themselves…

Here, you’ll find the following kinds of docs:

These are $\mathrm{\LaTeX}$ pdf's that contain logs of the results I prove during the courses I take, while reading math books, or when inspiration strikes. I obsess over maintaining linearity and being precise. My earlier works used to tolerate zero abuse of language or notation resulting in razor-precise, but also excruciatingly long statements for even simple results. However, over time, I believe I have learned how to strike a balance so that more can be said in less. Nevertheless, I still try to be extremely explicit about any abuses in the remarks that occur throughout the pdf's.

I am also quite nitpicky in mentioning whenever any choice (CC, DC or AC) gets used.

These are Google Drive links to my handwritten notes (again as pdf's) that will sometimes accompany the "Organized results" pdf's. These are where I write all the proofs—really recording the journey whose end products are the "Organized results". Expect these to be messy. But sometimes, I do re-write things nicely.

These will be for books, and will primarily be pdf's as well.


Though the “Organized results” here often contain all the results proved in the lectures (including tutorials), these also occasionally contain the results that I prove independently, some of which I have highlighted in comments.

At IIT Gandhinagar

Course Links Comments
(MA 504) Introduction to Linear Algebra o.r., notes
(MA 501) Basic Algebra o.r., notes §4 of Chapter 1: An original formulation to derive the basic properties of permutations.
(MA 628) Algebra II o.r., notes

Very incomplete; content of only the first half of the semester.

Appendix is my favorite bit, culminating in the relation between ED’s, GCD domains, atomic domains, UFD’s and Bézout domains.

(MA 605) Commutative Algebra o.r., notes
(MA 509) Topics in Real Analysis o.r., notes

§3 of Chapter 1: Some results on base representations of reals.

Theorem 3.8 of Chapter 3 (“Extending a continuous function at limiting values”).

Chapter 4: Generalized definition of differentiability to be able to talk of at limit points; the results that follow are also of such generality.

(MA 502) Complex Analysis o.r., notes §1 of Chapter 3: Tried laying the foundations for complex line integrals on a firm footing.
(MA 629) Introduction to Differential Geometry o.r., notes Very incomplete; just multi-variable calculus is included. However, what’s proven is quite generalized, in the same spirit as in Cartan’s amazing book Differential Calculus.

o.r.: Organized results


Course Links Comments
Introduction to Rings and Fields o.r. Doesn’t include last week’s content.
An Introduction to Point-Set Topology o.r. Only contains the first half of the course.

By topic

Topic Links Comments
Topology, metrics and linear spaces o.r., notes
Category theory o.r. These are notes of CatCafé, a lecture series delivered by Prof Sanjay.


I do hope to finish a book someday. :’)

Book Links Comments
Aluffi’s Algebra: Chapter 0 o.r. and e&s Until some of Chapter 2.
Tao’s Analysis I (3e) o.r.v1, o.r.v2, e&s, notes

v1: Until Chapter 6.

v2: Until Chapter 4. The Appendix contains some nice general results.

Artin’s Algebra (2e) o.r., e&s Until some of Chapter 4.
Halmos’ Naïve Set Theory e&s, notes Until Section 18.

e&s: Errors and suggestions